


當我們請他分享第一次使用精油的經驗時,他笑道:「這些資訊部的同事們送給我一瓶精油好讓我增加身體防護力,我那時真的以為他們是在開我玩笑。資訊部的大男人會懂精油嗎?但很快的,我發現他們確實相信精油的效益。之後,我試著使用了幾次,發現它們真的有效,才開始了解精油的力量。 」












我們喜歡全家人一起享受休閒時光。我的太太和小孩都非常棒!星期日下午我們最喜歡一起享用美食,伴隨著歡笑,享受陪伴彼此的時光。我們也很喜歡露營,有時會南下摩押市 (猶他州城市)。我騎越野車長大,因此我們全家人喜歡從事戶外與越野活動。如果天氣不錯的話,我甚至會騎越野車上班。






  • 大衛曾駕駛過飛機,還曾是空手道選手。
  • 他是太太面試工作時的主考官,兩人因而相遇。
  • 他擅長做比司吉。
  • 他擁有9個小孩:7個女生、2個男生,還有1個孫子。
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此文章有 7 篇留言

  1. Robbie 回覆

    A fellow dirt biker!! Love that this company has a couple of them. 🙂
    Now if he rides a KTM I will be truly happy, lol.

  2. Jodi Naylor 回覆

    Love this man and his wife! What a great man of leadership and integrity. So excited to see him at our leadership retreat in Australia next month!! Thank you for sharing 😄

  3. April 回覆

    Thoroughly enjoyed meeting Dave and his wife at convention last year! I love that they are just “normal” people. 🙂

  4. Carol Halbert 回覆

    I loved the comment about putting your best people, not on the biggest problems, but rather on the biggest opportunities.

  5. Lelean Smith 回覆

    I just want to thank you Mr. Stirling for your commitment to quality and purity in our essential oils. That was my reason for signing up. I was using essential oils for years and knew they were a powerful health alternative (I had Valerie Anne Worwood’s book for reference). What sold me was a comparison between my oil and doTERRA’s (using Frankincense!). Since then (2011) the oils have testified to their quality and potency by the improvement of my and my husband’s overall health.

  6. Pat Pooley 回覆

    I met David at the Global Convention in Salt Lake last year. He happened to sit at our table for dinner where we were able to talk & ask questions. He is so down to earth and such a joy to be around! So humble and so very helpful & encouraging, we are lucky to have him!

  7. Pingback: Episode 1 – Dashing Honeysuckle Dreams


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