作者/藍鑽 雪倫.麥克唐納






  1. 自我發展
    • 記住達到位階的目的是讓自己有資格領導他人,而此,過程中需要投入大量的心血。
    • 認清自己在dōTERRA美商多特瑞的目標,從自身開始。
    • 一旦有了方向,下定決心朝此前進去完成它。想要成為鑽石,就要將自己視為鑽石。
  1. 找到自己的優勢
    • 找到自己的最佳施力點,了解自己並相信自己在做的事。
    • 找到自己的長處,依此教導別人如何也能掌握自己的優勢。
    • 好的領導者會幫助隊友認識自己並讓他們看見自己能成功的最佳施力點。
  1. 關心他人
    • 將目標放在你所服務的人身上而不是晉升鑽石。
    • 發掘領導人外,更重要的是投入領導人培育。
    • 讓共事的夥伴知道你看重他們更勝過金錢和位階。
  1. 強化領導人
    • 藉由認同領導人現階段的事業穩固他們的心。
    • 和那些願意認真投入的人共事。
  1. 目標明確帶領團隊
    • 安排計畫。
    • 教導計畫。
    • 邀請他人入會並一同遵循計畫。
    • 複製計畫。
  1. 簡單為上
    • 藉由簡單且方便複製的方法讓他們能抱著熱情持續進行並從中了解如何成功。
    • 當那些向你學習的人能夠教導其他人如何成功時,複製效應便開始作用。
  1. 傳承企業文化
    • 由你來傳承dōTERRA美商多特瑞的誠信文化。
    • 擁有長遠精準的眼光,能幫助你建立強大團隊。
    • 回饋那些你為他們服務的人、為你付出的人以及需要你協助的人。
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此文章有 11 篇留言

    • Sharon McDonald 回覆

      Nina…. You are welcome:) Thank YOU for taking this journey on!

  1. Tracie Cotter 回覆

    Thank you for this. This works with any rank you are currently on. I love this. Always supporting others and having the love and guidance is important. We should never be treated as a paycheck to someone else. We are all important no matter what your rank. Be kind to all doterra wellness advocates no matter who’s team you are on. It’s about continuing education and supporting everyone who is a part of doterra

  2. Jana Finch 回覆

    This is right on and a great reminder for me as I work toward Diamond!! I have found that as I get closer to that rank I turn my focus on supporting and empowering those around me to looking inward and getting frustrated that I am not “there” yet. The fact is I have already arrived loving what I do, empowering others to make positive change, and catch the vision of a “healer in every home”. The rank/money will come, but not if I take my focus off of others and put it on myself…Thank you for this. I plan to print it out and put it up for me refer to often and redirect myself when I get off course.

    • Sharon McDonald 回覆

      I am so glad this was helpful to you Jana! You are going to be great! I see your vision is already there and you are committed to making life happen!!! Stay the course and you will arrive!!!

  3. Tanya Baker Cameron 回覆

    Oh so grateful to be on your team!!! ROCK on with your bad self!! I’m cheering for you.

    • Sharon McDonald 回覆

      Tanya…… You are great! Thank YOU for showing up, reaching out and up!!! You are such a good example of many things—- I cannot wait to work on projects with you:)

  4. Mary Zylo 回覆

    Thanks Sharon! Awesome advice as usual! You rock chik!

  5. Janis Cope 回覆

    Thank you for sharing this information. The item that spoke to me was that as a leader, I need to love my Wellness Advocates for where they are at, and encourage them.

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